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#e-learning, #poortinstructie
Learning or instructing, what is the difference?
Both processes complement each other. Instruction provides the basis, while learning helps to further develop and apply knowledge. When making films and e-learnings, we always look for the right balance.
#e-learning, #poortinstructie
Creating a safety culture within the organization
An essential part of safety at work is a clear policy. Because how do you ensure that safety rules are truly understood and applied within an organization?
#e-learning, #poortinstructie
What is Adaptive Learning and how is it applied?
In the world of interactive learning, the term Adaptive Learning is often used. But what exactly is Adaptive Learning and why is it considered the future of learning?
#poortinstructie, #e-learning
Receiving visitors and employees with hardware
Receive, instruct and register visitors and employees in a user-friendly way. What hardware is needed for this?
#poortinstructie, #e-learning
Tips to prepare employees for emergencies
It is vital that employees know how to act quickly and appropriately to save lives and limit damage.
#e-learning, #poortinstructie
Using Text-to-Speech in Making Instructional Videos
In addition to a voice-over, Text-to-Speech is increasingly used to provide spoken instructions in an instructional film. What are the advantages and disadvantages of both methods?
#e-learning, #poortinstructie
Safety instructions for multilingual staff
How do you effectively communicate instructions to employees who speak different languages? Fortunately, there are creative solutions to overcome this hurdle.
This is what our customers say about us
Smoothly introducing 4,000 parcel deliverers to new working methods offers all the space to remain in control yourself. The flexibility is enormous. Furthermore, Instructiefilm is not only aware of the latest techniques in the field of filming and editing, but also of laws and regulations in the field of, for example, AVG.

Rick Gorter
Staff Operations Postnl Parcels
An instructional film with its own identity, without sacrificing flexibility
What really struck me during the project and the collaboration is the good knowledge of Arbo and safety standards that is present at This allows them to really challenge on content and think along about how to communicate in the gate instruction about certain safety risks.

Ferdy van Breda
SHEQ Manager