Tips to prepare employees for emergencies
Emergencies can strike at any time and in any form, whether it is a fire, a medical emergency or another unexpected event. It is vital that employees know how to act quickly and appropriately to save lives and limit damage.

Create awareness
Ensure that employees are aware of emergency situations and their role in the company's emergency response. Training materials that illustrate realistic scenarios are a good way to create awareness. Define employee responsibilities and make this essential information accessible to employees wherever they are.
Regular repetition and practice
Emergency situations require constant alertness. Repeat training regularly. During an emergency, employees do not always react as expected. Practice regularly in practice to test the reaction skills of employees and the emergency response organization. Make sure that exercises are repeated a fixed number of times per year.
Regularly verify that the necessary basic emergency response facilities are present and ready for use. Check equipment, emergency facilities and escape routes.
It is important that employees are demonstrably aware of safety regulations. The information that employees gain is applied even better when the results of training, exercises and inspections are evaluated and discussed. Also use these insights to improve procedures, instructions and training.
More information?
More information on how we can help instruct employees? Please contact us via the button below.

Stay informed
Read the latest developments and important updates on safety rules and instructions here.
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