To learn or to instruct
Both processes complement each other. Instruction provides the foundation, while learning helps to further develop and apply knowledge. When making films and e-learnings, we always look for the right balance.

To learn or to instruct?
Instruction and learning are closely related, but they are different. Instruction is a one-way process in which a film or e-learning transfers skills or house or safety rules to a recipient. The focus is on following instructions and rules, and/or performing specific tasks. The goal is often to transfer certain information quickly and efficiently.
Learning, on the other hand, is an active, personal process. It goes beyond simply absorbing information; it requires reflection and applying knowledge in new situations. Learning often comes from intrinsic motivation and leads to deeper insights and lasting skill development. This process requires more time and effort, because it is focused on independently integrating knowledge.
Both processes complement each other. Instruction provides the basis, while learning helps to further develop and apply knowledge. When making films and e-learnings, we always look for the right balance.
Are you working on an instruction, e-learning or film? And could you use some help? Would you like to brainstorm with us? Contact us. We are happy to help you.

Stay informed
Read the latest developments and important updates on safety rules and instructions here.
#e-learning, #poortinstructie
Learning or instructing, what is the difference?
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