What is Adaptive Learning and how is it applied?
In the world of interactive learning, the term Adaptive Learning is often used. But what exactly is Adaptive Learning and why is it considered the future of learning?

What is Adaptive Learning?
Adaptive Learning is a personalized form of learning where the learning process is adapted to the individual needs, skills and learning styles of each student. Unlike traditional teaching methods, where all students study the same material at the same pace, Adaptive Learning dynamically adapts to the progress and performance of each student. Based on data and AI, among other things.
How is Adaptive Learning applied?
Imagine an employee starting an e-learning course on working safely at height. He already has some basic knowledge about safety at height, for example through previous training or work experience. In this case, the adaptive learning system could skip the introductory modules and go straight to more advanced topics, such as specific safety measures for different types of work at height, the use of safety equipment, and emergency situations at height.
On the other hand, if a participant has little or no experience working safely at height, the adaptive system can start with basic concepts and terminology, then gradually introduce more complex topics as the participant progresses through the course.
By adapting to the knowledge level and learning needs of each individual participant, Adaptive Learning can ensure that e-learning on, for example, working safely at height is optimally relevant and effective, regardless of the participant’s level of experience. This results in a personalized learning experience that better matches the individual needs and learning styles of the participants, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the training.
More information?
Contact one of our advisors about how to optimally use learning within your organization? Contact us.

Stay informed
Read the latest developments and important updates on safety rules and instructions here.
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